When you or a family member has been injured while working, finding a workers compensation lawyer might be a wise choice. If this is the case for you, a workers’ compensation lawyer wants to hear from you. Since our inception, we have been aggressively pursuing insurance companies, employers, and negligent parties who have denied accidents victims their benefits, or made attempts to coerce them into agreeing to amounts of damages much lower than what they deserve. Regardless of what your own situation might be, we will listen to what you have to say and let you know what your options might be.

Should I Always Talk with a Lawyer First?

In general, if your injury was mild, straightforward, and required a short recovery time, you will be better suited to filing a workers’ compensation claim on your own. It is better, however, to seek advice from a workers compensation lawyer if your injury was:

  • Moderate to severe, or life threatening;
  • Resulted in a death; or
  • Is being disputed by your employer or insurance company.


Industries and Injuries

Because our law firm has historically had an extensive focus on workers’ compensation claims, the claims we have handled have included the following injuries:

  • Brain, head, and skull injuries
  • Cumulative trauma disorder
  • Environmental and occupational illness
  • Neck, spine, and back injuries
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Muscle and ligament injuries
  • Loss of limb
  • Loss of sight or hearing
  • Catastrophic injuries
  • Severe psychological disorders
  • Death

The aforementioned list is not exhaustive and could be the result of a vehicular accident, slip and fall, defective part, or more. It doesn’t matter how the accident happened. If you were injured while working, you may be able to seek legal representation.

When you seek a workers compensation lawyer, you’ll be working with someone who has experience in cases applying to a wide range of industries. Some examples of the industries in which our lawyers have had cases include:

  • Construction
  • Transportation
  • Electrical engineering
  • Healthcare
  • Administration
  • Restaurants
  • Shipping
  • Manufacturing
  • Mining
  • Oil and gas
  • Hospitality

We understand the hardship that a denial of a claim can cause and will be ready to provide you with the legal representation needed for a successful appeal. A workers compensation lawyer can provide you with the attention you need, and work with you to accrue evidence that could help your claim be approved. Should we decide your case needs an expert opinion, we can help make arrangements with medical doctors or other professionals.

Choose a Workers Compensation Lawyer

When you choose a lawyer to be your legal advocate in a workers’ compensation claim, you can feel peace of mind in knowing that we care about you and will seek the most compensation possible in representing you. We pride ourselves in giving clients the respect they deserve, optimal communication, and our utmost effort in taking their cases.  A worker’s compensation lawyer, from our friends at  Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt may help get it sorted out.